
Final Submission:

  1. Dec. 18,  6pm  Sunday:
    1. wordpresentation template
      1. >>> template download LINK
      2. to view the webpage > >>> click to view the template
    2. One 3D Physical Model
    3. 12 x Math Art Imagdes  (16 x 24″ paper) high resolution JPG
    4. Tutorial: how to add a youtube-video in MS word file: >>> tutorial Link

Week 11: Constructiing initial prototypes

  1. Announcements:
    1. Invited Lecturerer or No class: TBA
  2. Assignments
    1. Daily coding assignment:
      1. Fri.: update one function in your code, use OOP
      2. Sat.: update one function in your code, use OOP
      3. Sun.: update one function in your code, use OOP
      4. Mon.: update one function in your code, use OOP
      5. Tue.: update one function in your code, use OOP
      6. Wed.: update one function in your code, use OOP
      7. Thur. update one function in your code, use OOP
    2. Weekly assignment:
      1. Fabricate the second version of your one small, quick, and dirty model.
      2. By Friday class time:
        1. Upload the pictures of your physical Model

Week 10: L-System + Data Structure

  1. Announcements:
    1. Final Project Schedule
      1. Week 0 (Oct. 28)   Datastructures
      2. Week 1 (Nov. 4)     Invited Lecture / or No Class (TBA)
      3. Week 2 (Nov. 11)   Cellular Automata
      4. Week 3 (Nov. 18)   No Class
      5. Week 4 (Nov. 25)  (Thanksgiving Week)
      6. Week 5 (Dec. 2)     Final Class
      7. Week 6 (Dec. 9)     (Reading Week)
      8. Week 7 (Dec. 8 – 14 Wed.)   (Final Exam Week)
  2. L-System + Data Structure
    1. Local vs. Global Variable
      1. Tutorial Link
    2. Queue vs. Stack
      1. Python Datastructures
    3. Set vs. Dictionary
    4. Constructing Field
  3. Assignments
    1. Daily coding assignment:
      1. Fri.: write one L-system by manipulating generatePattern part
      2. Sat.: write one L-system by manipulating drawPattern part
      3. Sun.: update one function in your code, use OOP
      4. Mon.: update one function in your code, use OOP
      5. Tue.: update one function in your code, use OOP
      6. Wed.: update one function in your code, use OOP
      7. Thur. update one function in your code, use OOP
    2. Weekly assignment:
      1. Fabricate one small, quick, and dirty model.
    3. By Friday class time:
      1. Upload the pictures of your physical Model

Week 9: Fall Recess

Week 8: L-System + CNC

  1. Announcements:
    1. Project Review
    2. No weekly reading but has a weekly project.
    3. outstanding project
      1. Haochi
      2. Zhengrong
  2. L-System
    1. Demo website: link_demo
    2. Reference link_ref_pdf
  3. Assignments
    1. Daily coding assignment:
      1. Fri.: write one L-system by manipulating generatePattern part
      2. Sat.: write one L-system by manipulating drawPattern part
      3. Sun.: update one function in your code, use OOP
      4. Mon.: update one function in your code, use OOP
      5. Tue.: update one function in your code, use OOP
      6. Wed.: update one function in your code, use OOP
      7. Thur. update one function in your code, use OOP
    2. Weekly assignment:
      1. Fabricate one simple table using a CNC and a Laser cutter
    3. By Friday class time:
      1. Bring your CNCed and Laser cut Model

Week 7: Canceled due to Hurricane Mathew

Week 6: Physical Computing + 3D Printing

  1. Announcements:
    1. Project Review
    2. Article Review
  2. L-System
    1. Demo website: link_demo
    2. Reference link_ref_pdf
  3. Assignments
    1. Daily coding assignment:
      1. Fri.: update one function in your code, use OOP
      2. Sat.: update one function in your code, use OOP
      3. Sun.: update one function in your code, use OOP
      4. Mon.: update one function in your code, use OOP
      5. Tue.: update one function in your code, use OOP
      6. Wed.: update one function in your code, use OOP
      7. Thur. update one function in your code, use OOP
    2. Sunday assignment:
      1. 1-paragraph response paper: due by Sunday midnight
    3. By Friday class time:
      1. bring 2 watercolor paper + laser cut graphic art
        1. Laser Cutter Information and Project Submission Form: http://arc.miami.edu/the-school/facilities/laser-cutting
        2. Digital Fabrication Lab Hours of Operation:   Monday through Thursday – 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. / Friday and Sunday – 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. / Saturdays – Closed. / Digital Fabrication Lab Location and Contact Info: Building 35, Room 140A (305) 284-5083

      2. Select one theme and present a quick research on your theme
        1. upload your PPT material (less than 10 pages) on the dropbox.

Week 5: OOP

  1. Announcements:
    1. Project Review
    2. Article Review
  2. Themes: link_gallery
    1. Random
    2. Trigonometry
    3. Shape grammar
    4. Spirograph
    5. Recursion
    6. Fractals
    7. L-System
    8. Tessellation
    9. Minimal-surface
    10. Islamic patterns
    11. Data visualization
  3. Data Visualization
    1. import file
    2. convert data into a list
    3. using a list
    4. write file
    5. checking your data
      1. change the format of your data as numbers
      2. if you use any formulas, copy and paste them using their values.
      3. save as csv(ms-dos)
  4. Assignments
    1. Daily coding assignment:
      1. Fri.: update one function in your code, use OOP, submit class diagrams and sequence diagrams
      2. Sat.: update one function in your code, use OOP, submit class diagrams and sequence diagrams
      3. Sun.: update one function in your code, use OOP, submit class diagrams and sequence diagrams
      4. Mon.: update one function in your code, use OOP, submit class diagrams and sequence diagrams
      5. Tue.: update one function in your code, use OOP, submit class diagrams and sequence diagrams
      6. Wed.: update one function in your code, use OOP, submit class diagrams and sequence diagrams
      7. Thur. update one function in your code, use OOP, submit class diagrams and sequence diagrams
    2. Sunday assignment:
      1. 1-paragraph response paper: due by Sunday midnight
    3. By Friday class time:
      1. bring 1 watercolor paper + laser cut graphic art
        1. Laser Cutter Information and Project Submission Form: http://arc.miami.edu/the-school/facilities/laser-cutting
        2. Digital Fabrication Lab Hours of Operation:   Monday through Thursday – 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. / Friday and Sunday – 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. / Saturdays – Closed. / Digital Fabrication Lab Location and Contact Info: Building 35, Room 140A (305) 284-5083

      2. Select one theme and present a quick research on your theme
        1. upload your PPT material (less than 10 pages) on the dropbox.

Week 4: Recursion

  1. Announcements:
    1. Project Review
    2. Article Review
  2. Revisiting Rhinoscriptsyntax
    1. mirror
    2. box
    3. boundingbox
    4. logical error : points at the same location
  3. UML
    1. iteration
    2. conditional
  4. Recursion
    1. Single Tree
    2. Double Tree
    3. Triple Tree
  5. Assignments
    1. Daily coding assignment:
      1. Fri.: Tripple Recursion Tree
      2. Sat.: Sierpinski Triangle
        1. 300px-sierpinski-haskell-svg
      3. Sun.: Sierpinski Carpet
        1. sierpinskicarpet
      4. Mon.:Koch Curve
        1. koch_curves
      5. Tue.:Koch Snowflake1
        1. image1
      6. Wed.:Koch Snowflake2
        1. koch.png
      7. Thur. Persian recursion 2
        1. images
    2. Sunday assignment:
      1. 1-paragraph response paper: due by Sunday midnight
    3. By Friday class time:
      1. bring 1 watercolor paper + laser cut graphic art
      2. Laser Cutter Information and Project Submission Form: http://arc.miami.edu/the-school/facilities/laser-cutting

      3. Digital Fabrication Lab Hours of Operation:   Monday through Thursday – 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. / Friday and Sunday – 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. / Saturdays – Closed. / Digital Fabrication Lab Location and Contact Info: Building 35, Room 140A (305) 284-5083

Week 3: Shape Grammars

  1. Announcements:
    1. Project Review
    2. Article Review
  2. The first theory of Architectural Design
    1. Four books on Architecture
  3. Libraries:
    1. import … as …
    2. from … import *
    3. indicating the owner of functions
  4. function
    1. function definition
    2. function call
    3. function with no input and no output
    4. function with a single output
    5. function with multiple outputs
    6. function with a single input
    7. function with multiple inputs
  5. Flowchart & UMLs
    1. function
    2. iteration
    3. conditional
  6. Shape Grammars:
    1. slide
    2. rotate
    3. glide
    4. mirror
    5. scale
  7. Assignments
    1. Daily coding assignment:
      1. Fri.: single iteration + single shape + no input/output
      2. Sat.: single iteration + two shapes + add inputs
      3. Sun.: single iteration + five shapes + add inputs/outputs
      4. Mon.: double iteration + single shape + no input/output
      5. Tue.: double iteration + two shapes + add inputs
      6. Wed.: double iteration + five shapes +  add inputs/outputs
      7. Thur. triple iteration + five shapes + add inputs/outputs
    2. Sunday assignment:
      1. 1-paragraph response paper: due by Sunday midnight
    3. By Friday class time:
      1. bring 5 printed images using a tabloid paper

Week 2: Three Structures of Programming

  1.  Intro:
    1. Gradual Development: link_spacex
  2. Announcements:
    1. Project review
    2. Article review
    3. Inspirational Projects
  3. Announcements:
    1. Two missing classes rescheduling
    2. Module 1 Project: (ten x 24″ x 18″  watercolor paper + laser cutting art )
      1. recommended paper: link-pp
  4. Data type review:
    1. integer
    2. float
    3. boolean
    4. list
  5. Libraries review:
    1. import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
    2. import random as rd
    3. import math as mt
  6. PEP 8 Style Guide for Python Code
    1. guide: PEP 8 — Style Guide for Python Code _ Python
  7. List examples:
    1. range(100)
    2. rs.france(0, 100, 0.1)
    3. Examples
      1. 1, 2, 3, – 10
      2. 1, 3, 5, – 11
      3. 10, 9, 8, – 1
      4. 10, 8, 6, – 0
      5. 0, 0.1, 0.2, – 10
      6. 10, 0.9, 0.8, – 0
  8. iteration
    1. iteration with step 1
    2. iteration with step 2
    3. iteration with step -1
    4. iteration with step 0.1
    5. iteration with step -0.1
  9. conditionals
    1. if
    2. if and else
    3. if, elif, and else
  10. Assignments
    1. Daily coding assignment:
      1. format
        1. upload the image of your code
        2. upload the python code on the dropbox folder
      2. daily job
        1. Fri. 10,000 random circles that fill a rectangle
        2. Sat. 10,000 random lines that fill a cross
        3. Sun. 10,000 random curves that fill a circle
        4. Mon. 10,000 random circles that fill the outside of a box
        5. Tue. 10,000 random lines that fill the inside and the outside of a box
        6. Wed. 10,000 random curves that fill the outside of a circle
        7. Thur. 10,000 random curves that fill the inside and the outside of a circle
    2. Sunday assignment:
      1. 1-paragraph response paper: due by Sunday midnight
    3. By Friday class time:
      1. bring 5 printed images using a tabloid paper
        1. sign at the corner of each paper
      2. image size: 10″ x 10″ in a tabloid paper

Week 1: Introduction

Welcome to the class.

Here is the syllabus of the class.

Syllabus 585_685_Fall_2016

Weekly Assignments:

  • Week 1:
    • On line:
      • 5 Daily Coding: upload a code on a DropBox and an image on the class blog.
        • Fri: random points
        • Sat: random lines
        • Sun: random curves
        • Mon: random circles
        • Tue: random arcs
        • Wed: random rectangles
        • Thu: random shapes
      • 1 Paragraph response paper: due by Sun. upload with a Sunday daily coding
      • Find an inspirational math-art project.due by Sun. upload with a Sunday daily coding
        • author
        • year
        • location/country
        • concept
        • main method
    • Physical:
      • Bring 5 prints (10″ x 10″) of your drawings on next Friday class time.
      • Sign at a corner and write date with a pencil

A final project example:link_fn

[image from M.C.Escher “Circle Limit 1” in a fractal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6emUEwafFU]